Most games of poker involve chips. For games with more than seven players, the dealer must supply chips. The chips are of different values, with the lowest chip being white. A red chip is worth five whites, and blue chips are worth ten or twenty or even thirty. Players “buy in” to a game by purchasing chips, usually the same value. If you are not a dealer, you may purchase chips for your own game. In this way, you will have a certain number of chips at any given time.
One of the first things to do when learning to play poker is to observe other players. Observe how players play the game and learn from their strategy. It is important to observe successful players, as they can impart good instincts. Similarly, watch how experienced players play the game, and use their strategies and instincts to improve your own. As you practice your game, consider whether you would win the game if you followed their strategy. When watching a winning strategy, make sure to study the card suit that has the highest probability of winning.
Depending on the game, players can either make an ante or blind bets before being dealt their cards. The ante is the initial bet, and the blind bets can replace or add to it. Typically, the blind bet requirement rotates around the table each round. Each player takes a turn making blind bets before each hand is dealt. The blind bet is a required bet for a hand, and it is important to call a blind bet if you want to check your hand.