Casino, directed by Martin Scorsese and based on a book by Nicholas Pileggi, is an epic tale of greed, corruption and violence in the 1980s. The film stars Robert De Niro as mobster Frank Rosenthal, who owns the Stardust hotel in Las Vegas. A young hooker and hustler, Ginger McKenna (Sharon Stone), becomes his lover while working at the hotel’s casino. The movie also stars Joe Pesci as mob enforcer Nicky Santoro.
The main appeal of casinos to gamblers is the chance of winning. But this is only one of many incentives. The real attraction is intangible: the “winning feeling,” social engagement, and a sense of belonging. These feelings can be strengthened by promoting promotions, entertainment, and benefits that make customers feel good, not just financially but emotionally.
While casinos may be primarily gambling establishments, they can also have an elegant hotel offering, cutting-edge technology, flexible event spaces, and delicious restaurants. Your marketing strategy should include messaging and targeting that reflects these offerings as well.
Many casinos are ideal venues for group business, including weddings, conferences, and family reunions. Promote your casino’s ability to host these events through targeted search ads that reach planners in similar markets or sister cities. This approach allows you to compete directly with competitors and earn top visibility when planners are ready to act. This is a powerful way to attract new business that you would not have earned through traditional marketing channels.